Pac Rim 2025
Please consider donating to help us continue our mission to gather our global community of friends, scholars, practitioners, folks with disabilities, advocates, policymakers, public health and disability service providers, educators, parents, students, and business leaders to share research, personal stories, practical strategies, and other forms of expression.
Thank you for your generosity!
Instructions for Donations
Initial Step: Access our UH Foundation Fund
The UH Foundation is private, institutionally related corporation designated as a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service. It is a legally separate entity from the University of Hawaiʻi, the UH Alumni Association, and all other UH affiliates. However, the UH Foundation works closely with these organizations, as well as others in the community, exclusively for the benefit of the university.
Visit the Center on Disability Studies, University Affiliated Program for Developmental Disabilities Fund. An overview of the fund will be shown.
Step 1: Select A Fund
Please make sure it is Fund #129-1720-4. Fill in an amount you would like to donate, at a minimum of $10. Choose whether it will be a One-time Gift or a Recurring Gift. Click Next to continue.

Step 2: Donor Info
Choose an affiliation or leave blank. Proceed to fill in the rest of your personal information. Please leave the Additional Donor Information/Special Instructions field blank. Click Next to continue.

Step 3: Billing Info
The next step involves inputting your billing information. Please proceed to fill out the required fields, and click Next to continue.

Step 4: Payment Info
After proceeding, please fill out your payment information. Complete the reCAPTCHA verification and click Submit to finish.

You will get a confirmation email from This email is from UH Foundation. Pac Rim is not able to individually track donations since UH Foundation is a different organization.
If you have questions, please email