Pac Rim 2025

Call for Exhibitors

Thank you for your interest in being an exhibitor. As a valued community partner, the following page outlines our exhibitor benefits for this year’s conference.

The deadline to guarantee your space as an exhibitor at our 2025 conference has now passed.

You can still submit your application via the link above, but please note that your acceptance is not guaranteed and will be based on our exhibitor capacity.

Mahalo for your interest!

Table of Contents

Why Exhibit at Pac Rim 2025?

  • Expand your Reach: Connect with a diverse audience of professionals, stakeholders, and individuals passionate about disability and diversity issues.
  • Showcase Innovations: Present your latest products, services, and initiatives that promote accessibility, inclusivity, and equity.
  • Network Opportunities: Engage in meaningful conversations, build connections, and explore potential collaborations with like-minded individuals and organizations.
  • Visibility: Gain exposure and increase brand awareness among conference participants, including disability advocates, researchers, policymakers, and industry experts.
  • Support a Worthy Cause: Contribute to the advancement of disability rights, social inclusion, and diversity by being part of an event dedicated to these important issues.

Exhibitor Opportunities

We offer a range of exhibitor opportunities tailored to meet your needs and showcase your organization’s contributions to disability and diversity. Exhibitor benefits include:

  • Exhibition Space: A designated area to showcase your products, services, and initiatives.

  • Brand Recognition: Inclusion of your organization’s logo and description in the conference programming and website.

  • Marketing Opportunities: Promotion of your organization through social media channels, newsletters, and event materials.

  • Presentation Opportunities: Depending on your exhibitor package, you may have the chance to deliver a presentation or demonstration to the conference audience.

Who Should Exhibit?

  • Companies and organizations offering assistive technologies and accessibility solutions.
  • Service providers offering inclusive employment and vocational training programs.
  • Non-profit organizations working in the field of disability rights, advocacy, and support services.
  • Educational institutions promoting inclusive education and disability-related research.
  • Government agencies and policymakers focusing on disability and diversity issues.
  • Healthcare providers specializing in disability-related healthcare services.
  • Social enterprises and startups working towards inclusive innovation.
  • Publishers and media organizations dedicated to raising awareness about disability and diversity.
  • Legal professionals specializing in disability rights and accessibility compliance.

Exhibitor Package Options

There are three exhibitor package options available: (1) Exhibitor Only, (2) Exhibitor and Attendee, (3) Exhibitor and Presenter.

Exhibitor Only Package

The exhibitor – basic option includes an exhibitor booth for two people. This package does not include access to the conference meals and other conference events (e.g., presentations; poster reception).

  • Non-Profit Organization Early Bird Special* $450 per booth
  • For-Profit Organization Early Bird Special* $600 per booth
  • Non-Profit Organization Regular Rate $600 per booth
  • For-Profit Organization Regular Rate $850 per booth

*To qualify for the early bird Booth Rental rate, return your application with payment by December 31, 2024 (11:59 PM, HST)

Each exhibit area includes a table that is approximately 6′ x 30″ with two chairs. A sign – drape can be provided, but for accessibility, we will not put one on the table unless you bring one on your own. The height of all displays must not exceed 10’. The exhibitor shall adhere to decorum and good taste, as well as safety and structural integrity. No exhibitor shall erect any walls, partitions, paintings, decorations, or other types of obstructions, which would interfere with the view of any other exhibitor’s booth, and will abide by all venue requirements.

Exhibitor & Attendee Package
  • Non-Profit Organization Early Bird Special* $450 per booth
  • For-Profit Organization Early Bird Special* $600 per booth
  • Non-Profit Organization Regular Rate $600 per booth
  • For-Profit Organization Regular Rate $850 per booth
  • Attendee Full Conference Registration $449 per Attendee**

*To qualify for the early bird Booth Rental rate, return your application with payment by December 31, 2024 (11:59 PM, HST)

**To qualify for the $449 early bird Attendee registration rate, please purchase and register for the conference by December 31, 2024 (11:59 PM, HST). The price will be $501 after 12/31/24.

In addition to the booth, this package includes access to the full conference. This includes materials, credentials, and access to all conference events. Conference registration includes lunches on two days, a poster reception, and afternoon snack and drink. Registration will be through the regular conference process. In addition to the Exhibitor Booth Rental fee above, each individual interested in being an attendee must register for the conference on the website by adding the applicable Full Conference Registration product to your cart and completing payment on the Pac Rim 2025 Registration page (e.g. if there are two booth representatives and both would like to attend the conference, two attendee registrations will need to be purchased).

Exhibitor & Presenter Package
  • Non-Profit Organization Early Bird Special* $450 per booth
  • For-Profit Organization Early Bird Special* $600 per booth
  • Non-Profit Organization Regular Rate $600 per booth
  • For-Profit Organization Regular Rate $850 per booth
  • Presenter Full Conference Registration $449 per Presenter

*To qualify for the early bird Booth Rental rate, return your application with payment by December 31, 2024 (11:59 PM, HST)

In addition to the booth, this package is for accepted presenter(s). You will also have the same access as an attendee. This includes materials, credentials, and access to all conference events. Conference registration includes lunches on two days, a poster reception, and afternoon snack and drink. Registration will be through the regular conference process. In addition to the exhibitor fees below, each presenter must register as a presenter on the website by adding the Presenter Full Conference Registration product to your cart and completing payment on the Pac Rim 2025 Registration page.

For more information about the call for proposals, view Pac Rim 2025 Call for Proposals.

How Do I Apply?

Please complete and submit the Pac Rim 2025 Exhibitor Application Form. Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted by one of our team members. If approved, please visit our registration store and select the applicable Exhibitor Booth Rental option to complete payment and secure your spot as an Exhibitor at Pac Rim 2025. If you are an accepted presenter or are interested in attending Pac Rim 2025 as an attendee, please also select the applicable registration options and complete payment to secure your spot as a registered participant at Pac Rim 2025. An exhibitor information session will be held via Zoom in the first week of January. You will be contacted by a Pac Rim team member with details in December. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is lunch included with the Basic Package?

Lunch is not included with the Basic Booth Rental option. The basic package includes an exhibitor booth for two people. The Exhibitor & Attendee option includes the booth rental as well as materials, credentials, and access to all conference events and lunch for both days of the conference. To register as an Attendee to the conference, add the applicable “Attendee Full Conference Registration” product to your cart from the Pac Rim 2025 registration store and checkout to complete payment. Please indicate the Exhibitor Company Name during the checkout process.

How do I register if I am an approved Exhibitor and want to attend the conference as an Attendee?

To register for the conference as an Exhibitor and a Presenter, visit our registration store page and add the applicable Booth Rental option to your cart and checkout to complete payment. To register as an Attendee, add the applicable “Attendee Full Conference Registration” product to your cart from the Pac Rim 2025 registration store and checkout to complete payment. You may also add both products to your cart and checkout at the same time if you are using the same payment option.

How do I register if I am an approved Exhibitor and an accepted Presenter?

To register for the conference as an Exhibitor and a Presenter, visit our registration store page and add the applicable Booth Rental option to your cart and checkout to complete payment. To register as a Presenter, add the “Presenter Full Conference Registration” product to your cart and checkout to complete payment. As an accepted Presenter and Exhibitor, you will need to provide the title of your presentation for verification purposes and the name of your company. You may also add both products to your cart and checkout at the same time if you are using the same payment option.

I am interested in attending the conference. Can I pay for my Exhibitor Booth Rental fee and Conference Registration at the same time?

Yes. If you are utilizing the same payment option for both products, you may add both of the products to your cart and checkout at the same time. Please double-check your products and their quantities before checking out. If you will have two booth representatives who are both interested in attending the conference, each representative will need to register for the conference.

Will there be an information session for Exhibitors?

An exhibitor information session will be held via Zoom in the first week of January. You will be contacted by a Pac Rim team member with details in December if your organization is accepted as an Exhibitor.

Is electrical power available for my booth?

Electrical power can be provided to your booth, but we kindly ask that you request this in advance. When completing payment for your booth on our registration store, please answer Yes to the following question: “Will you require electrical power at your booth?”.

Can you provide a TV or monitor for my booth?

We are unable to provide any monitors or displays for your booth. If a monitor is needed for your booth, we recommend that you connect with local electronics rental vendors ahead of the conference.


If you have questions regarding participation as an exhibitor, please contact Manca Sustarsic at